Here comes the snow, here comes the snow, here comes the snow. Yeah! Here comes the snow!
Clearly that line up there should be sung and to the beat of “We Got the Beat” by the Go-Gos.
Moving forward. Jenn wanted a snow shoot but the Sault rolling into the start of December was pretty limited in the snow department. Then BAM the night before the shoot we get snow. So if you’re wanting it to rain chocolate chips or typhoon pudding just ask Jenn as I think she has supreme weather powers. Jenn and Steve are two local entrepreneurs who own Loplops and Dish Espresso Bar and Cafe. I’ve been frequenting Loplops for the local music (and touring acts) for about four years now; they also have an art gallery for local artists up front. During the day you may see Jenn working hard behind the window at Dish Espresso Bar and Cafe where they have daily lunch specials that Jenn laughs at me about because I won’t eat 95% of them. It is not because they are bad, I’m just a very picky eater – meat, cheese, bread and I’m good. You may also at any point in time also see their kids Jaxon and Jaelyn at one of these establishments giving a helping hand or the best helping hand that they can.
For their shoot we headed to Bellevue Park with a quick stop inside the green house which I’ve never been inside before. By the time we made it to the greenhouse Jaelyn had enough of me and was giving me the best “I so hate you” faces. Kids, you got to love them! From there we headed to the playground for some slide and snowball action. A word of caution: freshly snowed on slides become extremely quick.
Thanks for the great afternoon guys!

i love them curt! it’s so nice to see the happy side of families!
great job as usual!
the slide pics are the best, ahahha
Beautiful pictures once again! I love how Jaxon is comforting Jaelyn in the 2nd last one…so cute to have caught that!