Less than a month ago you got to feast your eyes on Cait and Curt’s Engagement Shoot and this past Saturday they officially tied the knot. Their wedding was held out on McCarroll’s Lake which is also known as the same area Jes and I just got married. And in what seemed like a mini “this is your life” moment Sandra and Randy, the parents of Marissa from my May wedding were cruising the lake in their pontoon boat and started screaming my name.
The weather forecast for the day was rain rain and more rain. The entire week was forecast like this. The rain did come early in the morning but the skies cleared when I met the girls at Style Studio Hair Salon for their morning of preparation. Dark and gloomy clouds started rolling their way through just before the ceremony and a small rain shower came down right at the end. After that the day turned perfect with the clouds creating a great backdrop at the fantastic setting. To top it off the food was extremely delicious and catered by Kina’s Katering.
One final note before we get to the pictures. The bridesmaid’s dresses had pockets, how cool is that? So brides, if you want to impress your bridesmaids find dresses with pockets, it was all they were able to talk about in the morning.

GORGEOUS!!! pockets are awesome… my girls had them too 🙂
Yeah man, these are sweet!
BAAAAHHHHHHHHHH love love love love love love
and i agree…pockets all the way!
Those pics are awesome!! Looks like a great time!! Congrats Curt and Cait!
Dude, I have pockets in a dress that I wore out with you like 2 weeks ago. Don’t be so shocked that they exist! hahahahaahah
Thanks for all the quick comments girls. And Jes I know you had pockets in the dress you were wearing the other day, I told the girls that and forgot the name of the store where you bought it, but here it is ladies because I know you’re wanting to know it: Anthropologie.
Also during the day I thought of the only thing that could top dresses with pockets… dresses with hoodies. I should be on one of those design shows.
amazing!! i love the one in the field!
Another amazing shoot! Congrats Curt and Cait! Can’t wait to see Meg and Dre’s!
I love the black and white on the dock and the one in the field. Awesome as usual. I for one can say I’ve never heard of dresses with pockets. That’s awesome!!
Those are amazing Curt – sooooo beautiful and original, all your work is! I can’t wait for mine – eeeeee I’m sooooo excited!
i love these pictures so much , welcome to the cress family cait ! ; curtie you picked a good one .. and i love the dresses .. CONGRATS !!
Thanks for the additional comments girls! Glad you like them.
Where did you get the blue paper lanterns from???? I love them!!
omg lol, that bald man dancing with the bride in the last picture is my uncle! hahahaha