As you may recall at the bottom of my Vegas post I stated that there would be some major changes coming up. After attending the conference and trade show an amazing opportunity presented itself that I took some time to ponder and decided that I couldn’t pass it up.
I have been bought out by Wal*Mart.
I have been reassured by the powers that be that all current lifestyle and wedding contracts will continue to be met and the services will be rendered. For the lifestyle shoots (families/engagements etc) the shoot will now take place at Wal*Mart’s very own portrait studio as part of their new Curt O’Neil package. Included in this package are 2 stick-on beards free for you to take home and the camera is positioned behind a cardboard cutout of me similar in stance to this (*dog not included in cutout):

For my wedding couples Wal*Mart has also decided to bend over backwards. You also receive the stick-on beards but for the whole bridal party! For any wedding with guests including bridal party totaling twenty people you too will be shot in the portrait studio – and I apologize for this but if you are at the twenty number invite some random person because they have gone above and beyond for large weddings. For all of my bookings that have more than twenty total people attending they are opening the tire garage for you – imagine having your ceremony area being lifted up on hoists and hovering over the crowd while you make the biggest commitment of your life! One free tire rotation is also included. Simply awesome!
As for me: I’m moving to Costa Rica.
happy april fools to you too Curt!
Fantastic, I knew all your dreams would come true! I am going to be the first customer in line and can’t wait to try on my beard.
Re: Costa Rica .. take me with you .. please.
So I’m reading through this thinking thats it legit (although strangly bizarre)..until I saw Costa Rica and realized its April Fools…I’m so gullible its pathetic…the beard thing is a good idea regardless
Laughing out loud – for really!
I LOVE Wal Mart….will onlly enhance your product and make you more “mainstream”…no more panhandling right before a wedding shoot for Curt “Can you spare a $5 for this beard maintenance” O’Neil!
You’re too much Curt! Bahahaha!
hey – i only want a beard if it’s like Nursie’s one on Blackadder II 😀
now that’s hilarious – had me going for a second – just a second,,,,then I knew you wouldn’t do this, really,,,,phew!!
I still want the breads for my wedding party!!
bhahaha, omg… you’re too funny.
I just love all your pics and continue to get many comments on my family photos… were wanting to get them done again !!
Thanks for all your amazing stuff!
[…] that bit about Walmart – not true folks, not […]
[…] I’m only running this super awesome deal for the month of April; to book this deal you have to click here; and more details on this amazing opportunity can be found here. […]