And they just keep flying off the shelf! Here’s Tessa and Leo’s wedding from back in mid-May. It was another one of those “is this really freaking May?” type days with cold and more cold but they secured the new Mill Square site for their formal photos which provided an awesome backdrop for that part of the day. Most of the day was candy themed and there were pieces of candy you could find here and there including the boutonnieres and the bouquets. This even became more apparent when we made our way to the Marconi Hall for their reception and greeting us was the candy table to end all candy tables. I’m sorry to all past and future couples who have candy tables (my front pocket which holds candy does thank you) but this candy table took them all out back and beat the crap out of them.
Thanks for an awesome time guys!

i think these pictures are some of your best.the colors are fantastic.and FUN just jumps from the pictures.