You ready for this? To end off June everything just clicked. The couple, the weather, me being able to still eat food at that moment. Everything for this day just fired on all cylinders it seemed. For Joanna and Adam’s wedding Ken was along as a second shooter starting out the morning with the guys, getting those awesome alternate angles at the ceremony and some fun candid during the formals. I as usual met up with the girls in the morning as they started their whole routine out at Joanna’s parents’ house. We made our way from there to the ceremony at St. Gregory’s and then back out to the same area the girls got ready but the other side of the road to their newly purchased camp. It created a great laid back location for the formal shots of the bridal party; so much so the guys decided to have a little card game as well. After we had our fun there we headed to the Bushplane Museum which was their reception location but we also made our way through the museum for some more photos before everyone else arrived. Later in the evening during the meal Jo, Adam and myself were able to sneak away for even more photos. I shot Joanna’s sister Bridget’s wedding here years before so we thought it’d be funny if we recreated one of their photos. Even later in the evening Bridget, Brian and myself made our way back to that same location to try to recreate their photo. So below you’ll find two variations on a photo originally created a few years ago. Now that’s some craziness.
Thanks for the crazy awesome day guys!