Well the Spring PAWsome Booth 2013 is behind us and it was a huge success. We shot for two and a half days in space graciously provided to us by loplops gallery and lounge during their off days of the week – a huge shout-out to Steve, Jenn and Bob from there. For those of you who do not know about loplops they essentially host original local and Canadian musicians almost every night of the week and some great talent flows through those doors so definitely swing on by to check the place out.
Before I get in to the nitty gritty awesome results of the week I need to thank my volunteers, these are the people you most likely met while getting your session accomplished and a couple of people behind the scenes as well who helped get things set up and ready to go. So to Heather, Beth, Tony, Steph and Can thanks for your hard work on the days you were there – getting the paperwork filled out and rolling around the bar floor with the numerous pets who came through. Thanks to Ryan and Brian for the use of your trucks to move parts from Point A to B.
And now to the bigger news. I was able to swing by the Soup Kitchen Community Centre on Wednesday bringing the donation all of you helped to contribute to. In total we raised $850 and filled the back of my RAV4 with food items. Freaking awesome people! We usually count and take a photo of the food but there was just too much and it was easier just to get it in the cars ready to go. In the four PAWsome Booths that have ran we’ve raised $3330 and who knows the amount of food donations!
And lastly the draw for the winner of the canvas was drawn Tuesday night by Steve (and already announced on my Facebook page) with the winner being Steph and her pup Gracie (seen below)!
Thanks again for everyone’s participation!