Reese is 1! What a crazy year.
We had a fun party for her today, she had two separate photo sessions – one with her first cake and another later in the day with some outfits and a more traditional session. You’ll be seeing those on here soon enough. I can’t thank those who showed up today to participate and those who helped enough. Big thanks go out to Brian for cooking (even though I didn’t get to eat!), Ryan for letting us use his truck to move a lot of stuff to and from and Bryan for grabbing the camera from me for a bit and getting some shots for us.
Here she Reese mashing down on some cake. For those that have been following the site for awhile, this is the same setup as the PAWsome Booth or the Awesome Booth (with floor) but outside and it was a disaster! Multiple people holding down gear, sun spots all over the white (those are the brighter sun spots) but look at her anyway!
Go Reese Go!

happy birthday reese, i sure had fun at your party! thanks for my cheese head! love liz
As a grandpa I was very happy to see Reese on her first birthday.Opennig the presents was something to see but Reese eating her
cake was true enjoyment.Great job Jes and Curt,you may not believe it but it is something that little girl can look back on.Keep up
the good parenting**********