It has been a custom of mine to write about Domino’s birthday on any site I have running at the time. Now that this is my main website Domino gets to be featured here. Today is Domino’s fourth birthday. He is the oldest of our dogs, the basset hound I hand picked and our barking, howling, drooling furbaby of happiness.
I wanted a basset hound for the longest time and Jes knew this. She was browsing one of our local online sites and came across a posting for 4 basset hound puppies. She suggested we just go and look at them so that I could actually see a hound puppy as the thought of owning one at that time wasn’t in our minds. After visiting with the pups for a bit my mind was made up and we had to get one. The next day we were giving our deposit and picking out our new basset hound puppy.
I still can’t believe now that Domino is four. It doesn’t seem like he has been around that long yet although he has been a large part of our lives. At other times he acts like he’s an old grumpy dog in his mid-teens when the other two start getting playful and all that Domino wants to do is lay on the couch.
We’re hoping to get him out to the park tonight to go for a swim but if we can’t get him there tonight we’ll try sometime in the next few days. Maybe he’ll get a special treat tonight as well – anything edible is what he likes.
Here’s some shots I just took of him in the backyard about twenty minutes ago:

happy birthday domino!!!!!
He’s so cute!! Happy Birthday Domino!!
Happy Birthday Domino, you look just like Curtis 😀
Happy Birthday, Doggie!
He’s just too adorable. Hope you guys get out for a big special birthday playtime.
Oh, and you’re lucky that it’s only “edible” stuff he loves!
Happy Birthday Domino! Wow four years old, enjoy the youth while you can!! LOL