I met up with Jen, Ron and their pup Rufus out at Hiawatha to start their engagement shoot. To say Rufus had a little bit of energy would be an understatement. We started the shoot off using the Red Pine trail and then made our way down by the falls. From there we wanted to end the shoot at St. Mary’s College as it is where Jen and Ron met. It’s actually where they know me from as well. We all went to the same high school but I was two years ahead of them. With it being the start of fall we lose light quickly up here. We left Hiawatha when it was still daylight outside and by the time we made it to the school the sun had fully set but we made it work anyway.
Looking forward to your wedding next year guys!

Another great set of photos – love that Rufus!!
Thanks Curt!! They look amazing! I can’t believe you were able to get such great pictures of Rufus!!! We love them 🙂
Jen & Ron, LOVE these pictures! Your photographer has such a unique & funky style. Of course it helps when he has you two & Rufus as his models! Congrats you two!
I LOVE these picture!!! What a beautiful family 🙂
You did an awesome job with my gorgeous cousin! Isn’t she just radiant?