I asked the question a few weeks ago on my Facebook page if there would be interest in a spring PAWsome Booth or if everyone was just cool with the regular winter/Christmas season one and there was a good response for the spring so here it is! Once again Steve and the gang at loplops are being the ever gracious hosts and letting us use their space while the bar is closed. Make sure you check out loplops when it is open and a bar to show them your appreciation for letting us do this there!
Each session will be $10 with the proceeds going to the Soup Kitchen. The session will last up to 15 minutes (sometimes it takes the pet a few minutes to get comfortable) and all photos will be available online for viewing a few days after the shoots are done. For the $10 you will receive one free 4×6 or 5×7 print. Beyond that you can choose to purchase additional prints, enlargements, or canvases if you wish. We can definitely accommodate multiple pets and you can either add them all into one session or you can block off two.
And once again because it was a big hit at the one in November if you also bring in 2 cans of food for your 15 minute session your name will be entered into a draw to win a 16×24 canvas of your favourite shot. ($275 value) (you still need to bring the $10 for the session)
The dates and times available are:
Sunday, April 22: 12-4 and 5-8 (completely booked)
Monday, April 23: 10-2 and 3-6 (only openings between 1-2 currently)
booking in 15 minute increments (12:00, 12:15, 12:30, etc)
We had dogs and cats arrive in November but the majority of participants were dogs. Just be aware that dogs will be around for the most part in case you have a pet that is afraid of them.
In order to secure a session send me an email or use the contact form on the site – adding a comment on here or Facebook won’t work as they are too hard to keep tabs on for this sort of thing. To ease bookings give your preference on the block of time that works best for you, for example: Sunday afternoon, Monday morning, Sunday morning, Monday evening. And then I will fit you into where there is current space. Also please provide your pet’s name and breed so we can know who they are when they arrive.
Hi Curt: I would like to sign up my Chow mix, Scooby-Doo, for a session on Sunday close to 4 pm or Monday between 3 to 5 pm if you have any of those times available. Sounds like fun!! Thanks, Georgina
Hi Curt, I’d like to sign up Foxy for a session any time Sunday or later in the day on Monday. I hope something is free. Thanks.
Remember guys, email me, not a comment here 😉
Hi Curt, I’d like to book a session for my two dogs please.
We are available on Sunday anytime
[…] more information on the PAWsome booth, check out Curt’s website HERE! Share this:EmailLike this:LikeBe the first to like this […]
Hi, I have a Jack Russel Terrier named Che, I would like to bring him I. On Monday morn
at 10:30, if that works.
Thx, its his first shoot!!!!